Monday, December 19, 2011

The Saddest Post

I have sad news. Remember this post about my Le Creuset in Caribbean?  Well, it met a tragic end a couple of weeks ago. :(  It was a non-one-potter kind of night where I decided to make a pork roast with baked potatoes and veggies.  I covered my pork roast in fresh herbs and salt and pepper and olive oil and garlic and put it in my favorite dish to roast.  At the last second I remembered some apple cider I had in the fridge, so I poured that in the bottom to keep it extra moist.  This might have been part of my dish's demise.  When my roast was done, there was a sticky black mess coating the casserole dish.  The pork was delicious, so I wrapped the dish in foil with the leftovers and put it in the fridge.  A day later, the bf noticed a sticky mess dripping all into his fridge.  He called and said, "I have bad news."  Bless his heart for breaking the news to me so gently-- the dish had a crack down the middle!  I suspect it was a combo of the extra hot gooey cider and then refrigerating before it had cooled enough.  I found it hard to be too sad because Christmas is oh-so-close and now my brother can just give me the same fabulous gift two years in a row!  Rest in peace, sweet dish. You inspired one full year of delicious one-potters!

The dish's final meal

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